For the Advanced / Advanced+ and Advanced+/Masters levels teachers will see during first minutes of a lesson how you match with the class balance. Please do not take personal, if your level is corrected to be Int-Adv.
Classes and Level
Im Advanced / Advanced+ und Advanced+/Masters werden die Lehrer während der ersten Minuten im Kurs sehen wie gut die Fähigkeiten aller Teilnehmer für den Kurs passen. Bitte nicht persönlich nehmen solltest in dem Tanzstil rückwirkend auf Int-Adv eingestuft werden.
Solid Fundamentals / Basics
Solid Fundamentals / Basics
The Fundamentals / Basics track is for anyone who wants to develop solid fundamentals. This track is appropriate for beginners as well as anyone who wants to work on refining their basic lindy hop & boogie movements. We will cover technique that is vital, but that is often glossed over including posture, footwork, connection, etc.
Recommended level: Beginner, Beginner-Intermediate
Time Frame: 0,5 < 1-2 years Lindy Hop or Boogie
Intermediate / Advanced
The Intermediate / Advanced track will focus on connection and partnership. Dancers in this track have solid fundamentals and are ready to take their social dancing to the next step. In these classes you will learn new material and dig into technique and musicality.
Leads at this level should have a pretty solid vocabulary of moves beyond the basics and should be working on how to manipulate the moves they already know to fit the music and to adapt to their follow’s ability.
Follows at this level work on movements & intricate details to improve their following ability and add their voice or style into their social dances.
Recommended level: Intermediate/Advanced
Time Frame: 2 > 3+ years Lindy Hop or Boogie
Advanced / Advanced+
In Advanced / Advanced+ track you are confident with concepts listed in Intermediate/Advanced. You might be a faster learner than others, who are at a similar skill level to you. You can watch a move or styling once or twice and replicate it without much explanation. Leads at this level are interested in learning to add more texture to their footwork, developing a personal style, and adding more spice to their arsenal of ninja moves fitting best to partner & music. Follows at this level can demonstrate overall movements individually without their partner. In classe these follows should be able to learn movements, body hsapes or variations quickly while beeing able to follow changes the lead my make, expected or not.
Recommended level: Advanced/Advanced+
Time Frame: 3 > 5+ years (your level placement is tested at lessons start)
Advanced+ / Master
Advanced+/Master = you meet and surpass all of the descriptions for “Intermediate/Advanced and Advanced/Advanced+. You want to improve partnership, finesse and qualitiy of dancing. You often attend three or more national or international LindyHop events per year because you can’t get enough LindyHop & Charleston without it. You are You have likely been asked to teach LindyHop/Charleston classes within AND outside your hometown and have been placed in the Invitational track at other events. If you compete you consistantly place in finals.
Recommended level: Advanced+/Master
Time Frame: 5+ > years (your level placement is tested at lessons start)
Typical Level-Descriptions
Do you know someone who’s eager to learn Lindy Hop and Boogie, but just can’t commit to going to weekly classes? Plenty Hot Lindy Hop does not offer a pure beginners track. Please attend fundamental classes at you local Lindy Hop school before signing up for our Beg./Int. workshops. Also feel free to sign up for the parties + taster lessons.
This level is not for the absolute Lindy Hop beginner, but for those who have only minimal Lindy Hop experience. You have taken at least 2-6 months* of Lindy Hop and you know the basics: lindy swing out, lindy circle, and side-by-side Charleston. We hope you have been out dancing and enjoying what you know. If you want to reach the next level this is the place to be. These classes will help you to refine your ability and expand your basic variations. If you have no Lindy Hop experience, please take our beginner’s workshop.
You will take classes labeled: Solid Fundamentals
*Time frames are only an approximation. Being a good match for the skill description is far more important than the length of time you have been dancing.
You have been taking classes consistently and social dancing for about 1-2 years*. You have been introduced to terms like connection, musicality and improvisation. Solid Lindy hop basics (lindy swing out, lindy circle, Texas Tommy, side-by-side Charleston, and tandem Charleston) are necessary. This level is about solidifying as a Lindy Hop dancer and improving your lead/follow skills, connection, improvisation, movement and musicality.
You will take classes labeled: Solid Fundamentals, Intermediate-Advanced
*Time frames are only an approximation. Being a good match for the skill description is far more important than the length of time you have been dancing.
This is where things heat up a little. You have a couple years (2-5years)* of Lindy Hop experience, taken lots of classes, workshops, and social dance frequently. You have a nice repertoire of moves with possibly a few tricks here and there. You have good connection and can adapt to different techniques. In these classes you will learn a lot of new material to expand and improve your dictionary of moves and technique.
You will take classes labeled: Solid Fundamentals, Intermediate-Advanced
*Time frames are only an approximation. Being a good match for the skill description is far more important than the length of time you have been dancing.
Stuff starts to get really hard around this. You’ve probably been dancing over five years*. You understand that to become an advanced dancer you need to go back to the basics. It is not about memorizing patterns, but really understanding challenging techniques and how to move your body. You are a confident dancer, you can create new moves and styling right on the floor. You can handle fast and slow tempos, tricky moves, and can make it all work to the music. These classes will be fast paced and challenging.
You may take classes labeled: Solid Fundamentals, Intermediate-Advanced, Advanced-Advanced+
*Time frames are only an approximation. Being a good match for the skill description is far more important than the length of time you have been dancing.
You’ve likely been dancing for a decade, and you’ve likely tried other dances and learned other styles of movement and techniques. You are teaching locally and you participate at competitions. You are interested in quality of movement, musicality and learning fast tempo moves. You can dance to basically any tempo. These classes will be fast paced and challenging.
You will take classes labeled: Solid Fundamentals, Intermediate-Advanced, Adv./Adv+, Master
*Time frames are only an approximation. Being a good match for the skill description is far more important than the length of time you have been dancing.